Source code for gseapy.stats

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import fisher_exact, hypergeom

[docs] def calc_pvalues(query, gene_sets, background=20000, **kwargs): """calculate pvalues for all categories in the graph :param set query: set of identifiers for which the p value is calculated :param dict gene_sets: gmt file dict after background was set :param set background: total number of genes in your annotated database. :returns: pvalues x: overlapped gene number n: length of gene_set which belongs to each terms hits: overlapped gene names. For 2*2 contingency table: ============================================================================= | in query | not in query | row total => in gene_set | a | b | a+b => not in gene_set | c | d | c+d column total | a+b+c+d = anno database ============================================================================= background genes number = a + b + c + d. Then, in R x=a the number of white balls drawn without replacement from an urn which contains both black and white balls. m=a+b the number of white balls in the urn n=c+d the number of black balls in the urn k=a+c the number of balls drawn from the urn In Scipy: for args in scipy.hypergeom.sf(k, M, n, N, loc=0): M: the total number of objects, n: the total number of Type I objects. k: the random variate represents the number of Type I objects in N drawn without replacement from the total population. Therefore, these two functions are the same when using parameters from 2*2 table: R: > phyper(x-1, m, n, k, lower.tail=FALSE) Scipy: >>> hypergeom.sf(x-1, m+n, m, k) For Odds ratio in Enrichr (see oddsRatio = (1.0 * x * d) / Math.max(1.0 * b * c, 1) where: x are the overlapping genes, b (m-x) are the genes in the annotated set - overlapping genes, c (k-x) are the genes in the input set - overlapping genes, d (bg-m-k+x) are the 20,000 genes (or total genes in the background) - genes in the annotated set - genes in the input set + overlapping genes """ query = set(query) vals = [] # background should be all genes in annotated database # such as go, kegg if isinstance(background, set): bg = len(background) # total number in your annotated database # filter genes that not found in annotated database query = query.intersection(background) elif isinstance(background, int): bg = background else: raise ValueError("background should be set or int object") # number of genes in your query data k = len(query) # pval subsets = sorted(gene_sets.keys()) for s in subsets: category = set(gene_sets.get(s)) # the categories should be only exist in custom background too if isinstance(background, set): category = category.intersection(background) hits = query.intersection(category) x = len(hits) # overlap hits if x < 1: continue m = len(category) # pVal = hypergeom.sf(hitCount-1,popTotal,bgHits,queryTotal) # p(X >= hitCounts) pval = hypergeom.sf(x - 1, bg, m, k) # oddr, pval2 = odds_ratio_calc(bg, k, m, x) # expect_count = k*m/bg # oddr= x / expect_count # oddr= (x*(bg-m))/(m*(k-x)) # thanks to @sreichl. # oddr = ((x + 0.5) * (bg - m + 0.5)) / ( # (m + 0.5) * (k - x + 0.5) # ) # Haldane-Anscombe correction, issue #132 bu = 0.5 # base up for Haldane-Anscombe correction. When bu=0, the result is exactly equal to Enrichr. oddr = ((x + bu) * (bg - m - k + x + bu)) / ( (m - x + bu) * (k - x + bu) ) # issue #237 vals.append((s, pval, oddr, x, m, hits)) return zip(*vals)
# def odds_ratio_calc(bg_n, gene_list_n, gene_set_n, overlap_n): # """ # bg_n = number of background genes # gene_list_n = number of genes in the gene list (ie query genes) # gene_set_n = number of genes in the (corrected by background) gene set (eg pathways/GO terms) # overlap_n = number of genes overlapping with between the (corrected by background) gene set and the gene list # """ # # make contingency table # table=np.array([[gene_set_n, bg_n-gene_set_n],[overlap_n, gene_list_n-overlap_n]]) # # perform Fisher's exact test # oddsratio, pvalue = fisher_exact(table) # # return (inverse) oddsratio # return 1/oddsratio, pvalue def _ecdf(x): nobs = len(x) return np.arange(1, nobs + 1) / float(nobs)
[docs] def fdrcorrection(pvals, alpha=0.05): """benjamini hocheberg fdr correction. inspired by statsmodels""" # Implement copy from GOATools. pvals = np.asarray(pvals) pvals_sortind = np.argsort(pvals) pvals_sorted = np.take(pvals, pvals_sortind) ecdffactor = _ecdf(pvals_sorted) reject = pvals_sorted <= ecdffactor * alpha if reject.any(): rejectmax = max(np.nonzero(reject)[0]) reject[:rejectmax] = True pvals_corrected_raw = pvals_sorted / ecdffactor pvals_corrected = np.minimum.accumulate(pvals_corrected_raw[::-1])[::-1] del pvals_corrected_raw pvals_corrected[pvals_corrected > 1] = 1 pvals_corrected_ = np.empty_like(pvals_corrected) pvals_corrected_[pvals_sortind] = pvals_corrected del pvals_corrected reject_ = np.empty_like(reject) reject_[pvals_sortind] = reject return reject_, pvals_corrected_
[docs] def multiple_testing_correction(ps, alpha=0.05, method="benjamini-hochberg", **kwargs): """correct pvalues for multiple testing and add corrected `q` value :param ps: list of pvalues :param alpha: significance level default : 0.05 :param method: multiple testing correction method [bonferroni|benjamini-hochberg] :returns (q, rej): two lists of q-values and rejected nodes """ # Implement copy from GOATools. _p = np.array(ps) q = _p.copy() rej = _p.copy() mask = ~np.isnan(_p) p = _p[mask] if method == "bonferroni": q[mask] = p * len(p) rej[mask] = q[mask] < alpha elif method == "benjamini-hochberg": _rej, _q = fdrcorrection(p, alpha) rej[mask] = _rej q[mask] = _q else: raise ValueError(method) return q, rej