Source code for gseapy.gsea

#! python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import glob
import logging
import os
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from collections import Counter
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from gseapy.base import GSEAbase
from gseapy.gse import Metric, gsea_rs, prerank2d_rs, prerank_rs
from gseapy.parser import gsea_cls_parser
from gseapy.plot import gseaplot

# from memory_profiler import profile

[docs] class GSEA(GSEAbase): """GSEA main tool""" def __init__( self, data: Union[pd.DataFrame, str], gene_sets: Union[List[str], str, Dict[str, str]], classes: Union[List[str], str, Dict[str, str]], outdir: Optional[str] = None, min_size: int = 15, max_size: int = 500, permutation_num: int = 1000, weight: float = 1.0, permutation_type: str = "phenotype", method: str = "signal_to_noise", ascending: bool = False, threads: int = 1, figsize: Tuple[float, float] = (6.5, 6), format: str = "pdf", graph_num: int = 20, no_plot: bool = False, seed: int = 123, verbose: bool = False, ): super(GSEA, self).__init__( outdir=outdir, gene_sets=gene_sets, module="gsea", threads=threads, verbose=verbose, ) = data # self.classes = classes self.permutation_type = permutation_type self.method = method self.min_size = min_size self.max_size = max_size self.permutation_num = int(permutation_num) if int(permutation_num) > 0 else 0 self.weight = weight self.ascending = ascending self.figsize = figsize self.format = format self.graph_num = int(graph_num) self.seed = seed self.ranking = None self._noplot = no_plot # some preprocessing assert self.permutation_type in ["phenotype", "gene_set"] assert self.min_size <= self.max_size # phenotype labels parsing self.load_classes(classes)
[docs] def load_data(self) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, Dict]: """pre-processed the data filtering methods will be implement here.""" exprs = self._load_data( exprs = self._check_data(exprs) exprs, cls_dict = self._filter_data(exprs) return exprs, cls_dict
def _map_classes(self, sample_names: List[str]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ update """ cls_dict = self.groups if isinstance(self.groups, dict): # update groups self.groups = [cls_dict[c] for c in sample_names] else: cls_dict = {k: v for k, v in zip(sample_names, self.groups)} return cls_dict def _filter_data(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ filter data rows with std == 0 """ # in case the description column is numeric if len(self.groups) == (df.shape[1] - 1): df = df.iloc[:, 1:] cls_dict = self._map_classes(df.columns) # drop gene which std == 0 in all samples # compatible to py3.7 major, minor, _ = [int(i) for i in pd.__version__.split(".")] # handle cases for samples < 3, use mean if (major == 1 and minor < 5) or (major < 1): # fix numeric_only error df_std = df.groupby(by=cls_dict, axis=1).std(ddof=0) else: df_std = df.groupby(by=cls_dict, axis=1).std(numeric_only=True, ddof=0) # remove rows that are all zeros ! df = df.loc[df.abs().sum(axis=1) > 0, :] # remove rows that std are zeros for sample size >= 3 in each group if all(map(lambda a: a[1] >= 3, Counter(cls_dict.values()).items())): df = df[df_std.abs().sum(axis=1) > 0] df = df + 1e-08 # we don't like zeros in denominator !!! # data frame must have length > 1 assert df.shape[0] > 1 return df, cls_dict
[docs] def calc_metric( self, df: pd.DataFrame, method: str, pos: str, neg: str, classes: Dict[str, str], ascending: bool, ) -> Tuple[List[int], pd.Series]: """The main function to rank an expression table. works for 2d array. :param df: gene_expression DataFrame. :param method: The method used to calculate a correlation or ranking. Default: 'log2_ratio_of_classes'. Others methods are: 1. 'signal_to_noise' (s2n) or 'abs_signal_to_noise' (abs_s2n) You must have at least three samples for each phenotype. The more distinct the gene expression is in each phenotype, the more the gene acts as a “class marker”. 2. 't_test' Uses the difference of means scaled by the standard deviation and number of samples. Note: You must have at least three samples for each phenotype to use this metric. The larger the t-test ratio, the more distinct the gene expression is in each phenotype and the more the gene acts as a “class marker.” 3. 'ratio_of_classes' (also referred to as fold change). Uses the ratio of class means to calculate fold change for natural scale data. 4. 'diff_of_classes' Uses the difference of class means to calculate fold change for natural scale data 5. 'log2_ratio_of_classes' Uses the log2 ratio of class means to calculate fold change for natural scale data. This is the recommended statistic for calculating fold change for log scale data. :param str pos: one of labels of phenotype's names. :param str neg: one of labels of phenotype's names. :param dict classes: column id to group mapping. :param bool ascending: bool or list of bool. Sort ascending vs. descending. :return: returns argsort values of a tuple where 0: argsort positions (indices) 1: pd.Series of correlation value. Gene_name is index, and value is rankings. visit here for more docs: """ # exclude any zero stds. # compatible to py3.7 major, minor, _ = [int(i) for i in pd.__version__.split(".")] if (major == 1 and minor < 5) or (major < 1): # fix numeric_only error df_mean = df.groupby(by=classes, axis=1).mean() df_std = df.groupby(by=classes, axis=1).std() else: df_mean = df.groupby(by=classes, axis=1).mean(numeric_only=True) df_std = df.groupby(by=classes, axis=1).std(numeric_only=True) class_values = Counter(classes.values()) n_pos = class_values[pos] n_neg = class_values[neg] if method in ["signal_to_noise", "s2n"]: ser = (df_mean[pos] - df_mean[neg]) / (df_std[pos] + df_std[neg]) elif method in ["abs_signal_to_noise", "abs_s2n"]: ser = ((df_mean[pos] - df_mean[neg]) / (df_std[pos] + df_std[neg])).abs() elif method == "t_test": ser = (df_mean[pos] - df_mean[neg]) / np.sqrt( df_std[pos] ** 2 / n_pos + df_std[neg] ** 2 / n_neg ) elif method == "ratio_of_classes": ser = df_mean[pos] / df_mean[neg] elif method == "diff_of_classes": ser = df_mean[pos] - df_mean[neg] elif method == "log2_ratio_of_classes": ser = np.log2(df_mean[pos] / df_mean[neg]) if ser.isna().sum() > 0: self._logger.warning("Invalid value encountered in log2, and dumped.") ser = ser.dropna() assert len(ser) > 1 else: logging.error("Please provide correct method name!!!") raise LookupError("Input method: %s is not supported" % method) ser_ind = ser.values.argsort().tolist() ser = ser.iloc[ser_ind] if ascending: return ser_ind, ser # descending order return ser_ind[::-1], ser[::-1]
def _check_classes(self, counter: Counter) -> List[str]: """ check each cls group length """ metrics = ["signal_to_noise", "s2n", "abs_signal_to_noise", "abs_s2n", "t_test"] s = [] for c, v in sorted(counter.items(), key=lambda item: item[1]): if v < 3: if self.permutation_type == "phenotype": self._logger.warning( f"Number of {c}: {v}, it must be >= 3 for permutation type: phenotype !" ) self._logger.warning("Permutation type change to gene_set.") self.permutation_type == "gene_set" s.append(c) return s
[docs] def load_classes(self, classes: Union[str, List[str], Dict[str, Any]]): """Parse group (classes)""" if isinstance(classes, dict): # check number of samples s = self._check_classes(Counter(classes.values())) self.pheno_pos = s[0] self.pheno_neg = s[1] # n_pos = class_values[pos] # n_neg = class_values[neg] self.groups = classes else: pos, neg, cls_vector = gsea_cls_parser(classes) s = self._check_classes(Counter(cls_vector)) self.pheno_pos = pos self.pheno_neg = neg self.groups = cls_vector
# @profile
[docs] def run(self): """GSEA main procedure""" m = self.method.lower() if m in ["signal_to_noise", "s2n"]: method = Metric.Signal2Noise elif m in ["abs_signal_to_noise", "abs_s2n"]: method = Metric.AbsSignal2Noise elif m == "t_test": method = Metric.Ttest elif m == "ratio_of_classes": method = Metric.RatioOfClasses elif m == "diff_of_classes": method = Metric.DiffOfClasses elif m == "log2_ratio_of_classes": method = Metric.Log2RatioOfClasses else: raise Exception("Sorry, input method %s is not supported" % m) # Start Analysis"Parsing data files for GSEA.............................") # select correct expression genes and values. dat, cls_dict = self.load_data() # filtering out gene sets and build gene sets dictionary gmt = self.load_gmt(gene_list=dat.index.values, gmt=self.gene_sets) self.gmt = gmt "%04d gene_sets used for further statistical testing....." % len(gmt) )"Start to run GSEA...Might take a while..................") # cpu numbers # compute ES, NES, pval, FDR, RES if self.permutation_type == "gene_set": # ranking metrics calculation. idx, dat2 = self.calc_metric( df=dat, method=self.method, pos=self.pheno_pos, neg=self.pheno_neg, classes=cls_dict, ascending=self.ascending, ) gsum = prerank_rs( dat2.index.values.tolist(), # gene list dat2.squeeze().values.tolist(), # ranking values gmt, # must be a dict object self.weight, self.min_size, self.max_size, self.permutation_num, self._threads, self.seed, ) ## need to update indices, prerank_rs only stores input's order # so compatible with code code below indices = gsum.indices indices[0] = idx gsum.indices = indices # only accept [[]] else: # phenotype permutation group = list( map(lambda x: True if x == self.pheno_pos else False, self.groups) ) gsum = gsea_rs( dat.index.values.tolist(), dat.values.tolist(), # each row is gene values across samples gmt, group, method, self.weight, self.min_size, self.max_size, self.permutation_num, self._threads, self.seed, ) if self._outdir is not None: "Start to generate GSEApy reports and figures............" ) self.ranking = pd.Series(gsum.rankings[0], index=dat.index[gsum.indices[0]]) # reorder datarame for heatmap # self._heatmat(df=dat.loc[dat2.index], classes=cls_vector) self._heatmat(df=dat.iloc[gsum.indices[0]], classes=self.groups) # write output and plotting self.to_df(gsum.summaries, gmt, self.ranking)"Congratulations. GSEApy ran successfully.................\n") return
[docs] class Prerank(GSEAbase): """GSEA prerank tool""" def __init__( self, rnk: Union[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series, str], gene_sets: Union[List[str], str, Dict[str, str]], outdir: Optional[str] = None, pheno_pos="Pos", pheno_neg="Neg", min_size: int = 15, max_size: int = 500, permutation_num: int = 1000, weight: float = 1.0, ascending: bool = False, threads: int = 1, figsize: Tuple[float, float] = (6.5, 6), format: str = "pdf", graph_num: int = 20, no_plot: bool = False, seed: int = 123, verbose: bool = False, ): super(Prerank, self).__init__( outdir=outdir, gene_sets=gene_sets, module="prerank", threads=threads, verbose=verbose, ) self.rnk = rnk self.pheno_pos = pheno_pos self.pheno_neg = pheno_neg self.min_size = min_size self.max_size = max_size self.permutation_num = int(permutation_num) if int(permutation_num) > 0 else 0 self.weight = weight self.ascending = ascending self.figsize = figsize self.format = format self.graph_num = int(graph_num) self.seed = seed self.ranking = None self._noplot = no_plot self.permutation_type = "gene_set" def _load_ranking(self, rank_metric: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.Series: """Parse ranking rank_metric: two column dataframe. first column is gene ids """ # load data # sort ranking values from high to low rnk_cols = rank_metric.columns # if not ranking.is_monotonic_decreasing: # ranking = ranking.sort_values(ascending=self.ascending) rank_metric.sort_values(by=rnk_cols[1], ascending=self.ascending, inplace=True) # drop na values if rank_metric.isnull().any(axis=1).sum() > 0: self._logger.warning( "Input gene rankings contains NA values(gene name and ranking value), drop them all!" ) # print out NAs NAs = rank_metric[rank_metric.isnull().any(axis=1)] self._logger.debug("NAs list:\n" + NAs.to_string()) rank_metric.dropna(how="any", inplace=True) # rename duplicate id, make them unique rank_metric = self.make_unique(rank_metric, col_idx=0) # reset ranking index, because you have sort values and drop duplicates. rank_metric.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) rank_metric.columns = ["gene_name", "prerank"] rankser = rank_metric.set_index("gene_name", drop=True).squeeze() # check whether contains infinity values if np.isinf(rankser).values.sum() > 0: self._logger.warning("Input gene rankings contains inf values!") rankser.replace(-np.inf, method="ffill", inplace=True) rankser.replace(np.inf, method="bfill", inplace=True) # check duplicate values and warning dups = rankser.duplicated().sum() if dups > 0: msg = ( "Duplicated values found in preranked stats: {:.2%} of genes\n".format( dups / rankser.size ) ) msg += "The order of those genes will be arbitrary, which may produce unexpected results." self._logger.warning(msg) # return series return rankser
[docs] def load_ranking(self): """ parse rnk input """ rank_metric = self._load_data(self.rnk) # gene id is the first column if rank_metric.select_dtypes(np.number).shape[1] == 1: # return series return self._load_ranking(rank_metric) ## In case the input type multi-column ranking dataframe # drop na gene id values rank_metric = rank_metric.dropna(subset=rank_metric.columns[0]) # make unique rank_metric = self.make_unique(rank_metric, col_idx=0) # set index rank_metric = self._check_data(rank_metric) # check ties in prerank stats dups = rank_metric.apply(lambda df: df.duplicated().sum() / df.size) if (dups > 0).sum() > 0: msg = "Duplicated values found in preranked stats:\nsample\tratio\n%s\n" % ( dups.to_string(float_format="{:,.2%}".format) ) msg += "The order of those genes will be arbitrary, which may produce unexpected results." self._logger.warning(msg) return rank_metric
# @profile
[docs] def run(self): """GSEA prerank workflow""" assert self.min_size <= self.max_size # parsing rankings dat2 = self.load_ranking() assert len(dat2) > 1 self.ranking = dat2 # Start Analysis"Parsing data files for GSEA.............................") # filtering out gene sets and build gene sets dictionary gmt = self.load_gmt(gene_list=dat2.index.values, gmt=self.gene_sets) self.gmt = gmt "%04d gene_sets used for further statistical testing....." % len(gmt) )"Start to run GSEA...Might take a while..................") # compute ES, NES, pval, FDR, RES if isinstance(dat2, pd.DataFrame): _prerank = prerank2d_rs else: _prerank = prerank_rs # run gsum = _prerank( dat2.index.values.tolist(), # gene list dat2.values.tolist(), # ranking values gmt, # must be a dict object self.weight, self.min_size, self.max_size, self.permutation_num, self._threads, self.seed, ) self.to_df( gsea_summary=gsum.summaries, gmt=gmt, rank_metric=dat2, indices=gsum.indices if isinstance(dat2, pd.DataFrame) else None, ) if self._outdir is not None: "Start to generate gseapy reports, and produce figures..." )"Congratulations. GSEApy runs successfully................\n") return
[docs] class Replot(GSEAbase): """To reproduce GSEA desktop output results.""" def __init__( self, indir: str, outdir: str = "GSEApy_Replot", weight: float = 1.0, min_size: int = 3, max_size: int = 1000, figsize: Tuple[float, float] = (6.5, 6), format: str = "pdf", verbose: bool = False, ): self.indir = indir self.outdir = outdir self.weight = weight self.min_size = min_size self.max_size = max_size self.figsize = figsize self.format = format self.verbose = bool(verbose) self.module = "replot" self.gene_sets = None self.ascending = False # init logger self.prepare_outdir()
[docs] def gsea_edb_parser(self, results_path): """Parse results.edb file stored under **edb** file folder. :param results_path: the path of results.edb file. :return: a dict contains { enrichment_term: [es, nes, pval, fdr, fwer, hit_ind]} """ xtree = ET.parse(results_path) xroot = xtree.getroot() res = {} # dict_keys(['RANKED_LIST', 'GENESET', 'FWER', 'ES_PROFILE', # 'HIT_INDICES', 'ES', 'NES', 'TEMPLATE', 'RND_ES', 'RANK_SCORE_AT_ES', # 'NP', 'RANK_AT_ES', 'FDR']) for node in xroot.findall("DTG"): enrich_term = node.attrib.get("GENESET").split("#")[1] es_profile = node.attrib.get("ES_PROFILE").split(" ") # esnull = term.get('RND_ES').split(" ") hit_ind = node.attrib.get("HIT_INDICES").split(" ") es_profile = [float(i) for i in es_profile] hit_ind = [int(i) for i in hit_ind] # esnull = [float(i) for i in esnull ] es = float(node.attrib.get("ES")) nes = float(node.attrib.get("NES")) pval = float(node.attrib.get("NP")) fdr = float(node.attrib.get("FDR")) fwer = float(node.attrib.get("FWER")) logging.debug("Enriched Gene set is: " + enrich_term) res[enrich_term] = [es, nes, pval, fdr, fwer, hit_ind] return res
[docs] def run(self): """main replot function""" assert self.min_size <= self.max_size # parsing files....... try: results_path = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.indir, "edb/results.edb"))[0] rank_path = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.indir, "edb/*.rnk"))[0] gene_set_path = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.indir, "edb/gene_sets.gmt"))[0] except IndexError as e: raise Exception("Could not locate GSEA files in the given directory!") # extract sample names from .cls file cls_path = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.indir, "*/edb/*.cls")) if cls_path: pos, neg, classes = gsea_cls_parser(cls_path[0]) else: # logic for prerank results pos, neg = "", "" # start reploting self.gene_sets = gene_set_path # obtain gene sets gene_set_dict = self.parse_gmt(gmt=gene_set_path) # obtain rank_metrics rank_metric = self._load_data(rank_path) # rank_metric = rank_metric.set_index(rank_metric.columns[0]) correl_vector = rank_metric.iloc[:, 1].values gene_list = rank_metric.iloc[:, 0].values # extract each enriment term in the results.edb files and plot. database = self.gsea_edb_parser(results_path) for enrich_term, data in database.items(): # extract statistical resutls from results.edb file es, nes, pval, fdr, fwer, hit_ind = data gene_set = gene_set_dict.get(enrich_term) # calculate enrichment score RES = self.enrichment_score( gene_list=gene_list, correl_vector=correl_vector, gene_set=gene_set, weight=self.weight, nperm=0, )[-1] # plotting term = enrich_term.replace("/", "_").replace(":", "_") outfile = "{0}/{1}.{2}.{3}".format( self.outdir, term, self.module, self.format ) gseaplot( rank_metric=correl_vector, term=enrich_term, hits=hit_ind, nes=nes, pval=pval, fdr=fdr, RES=RES, pheno_pos=pos, pheno_neg=neg, figsize=self.figsize, ofname=outfile, ) "Congratulations! Your plots have been reproduced successfully!\n" )