Source code for gseapy.base

#! python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import json
import logging
import os
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from gseapy.plot import GSEAPlot, TracePlot, gseaplot, heatmap
from gseapy.utils import DEFAULT_CACHE_PATH, log_init, mkdirs, retry

[docs] class GMT(dict): def __init__( self, mapping: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, ): """ wrapper of dict. this helps merge multiple dict into one the original key will changed to new key with suffix '__{description}' """ if description is None: description = "" self.description = description _mapping = {} if mapping is not None: for key, value in mapping.items(): k = key + "__" + self.description _mapping[k] = value super().__init__(_mapping)
[docs] def apply(self, func): """apply function in place""" for key, value in self.items(): self[key] = func(value)
def is_empty(self): return len(self) == 0
[docs] def write(self, ofname: str): """ write gmt file to disk """ with open(ofname, "w") as out: for key, value in self.items(): collections = key.split("__") collections += list(value) out.write("\t".join(collections) + "\n")
def _read(path): mapping = {} with open(path, "r") as inp: for line in inp: items = line.strip().split("\t") key = items[0] if items[1] != "": key += "__" + items[1] mapping[key] = items[2:] return mapping @classmethod def read(cls, paths): paths = paths.strip().split(",") # mapping mapping = {} for path in paths: mapping.update(cls._read(path)) return cls(mapping)
[docs] class GSEAbase(object): """base class of GSEA.""" def __init__( self, outdir: Optional[str] = None, gene_sets: Union[List[str], str, Dict[str, str]] = "KEGG_2016", module: str = "base", threads: int = 1, enrichr_url: str = "", verbose: bool = False, ): self.outdir = outdir self.gene_sets = gene_sets self.fdr = 0.05 self.module = module self.res2d = None self.ranking = None self.ascending = False self.verbose = verbose self._threads = threads self.ENRICHR_URL = enrichr_url self.pheno_pos = "" self.pheno_neg = "" self.permutation_num = 0 self._LIBRARY_LIST_URL = "" self._set_cores() # init logger self.prepare_outdir() def __del__(self): if hasattr(self, "_logger"): handlers = self._logger.handlers[:] for handler in handlers: handler.close() # close file self._logger.removeHandler(handler)
[docs] def prepare_outdir(self): """create temp directory.""" self._outdir = self.outdir logfile = None if isinstance(self.outdir, str): mkdirs(self.outdir) logfile = os.path.join( self.outdir, "gseapy.%s.%s.log" % (self.module, id(self)) ) self._logfile = logfile self._logger = log_init( name=str(self.module) + str(id(self)), log_level=logging.INFO if self.verbose else logging.WARNING, filename=logfile, )
def _set_cores(self): """set cpu numbers to be used""" cpu_num = os.cpu_count() - 1 if self._threads > cpu_num: cores = cpu_num elif self._threads < 1: cores = 1 else: cores = self._threads # have to be int if user input is float self._threads = int(cores) def _read_file(self, path: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """ read file, and return dataframe (first column are gene IDs) """ # just txt file like input header, sep = "infer", "\t" # GCT input format? if path.endswith(".gct"): rank_metric = pd.read_csv( path, skiprows=1, comment="#", index_col=0, sep=sep ) else: if path.endswith(".csv"): sep = "," if path.endswith(".rnk"): header = None rank_metric = pd.read_csv( path, comment="#", index_col=0, sep=sep, header=header ) if rank_metric.shape[1] == 1: # rnk file like input rank_metric.columns = rank_metric.columns.astype(str) return rank_metric.select_dtypes(include=[np.number]).reset_index() def _load_data(self, exprs: Union[str, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]) -> pd.DataFrame: """ helper function to read data """ # load data if isinstance(exprs, pd.DataFrame): rank_metric = exprs.copy() # handle dataframe with gene_name as index. self._logger.debug("Input data is a DataFrame with gene names") # handle index is already gene_names if rank_metric.index.dtype == "O": rank_metric = rank_metric.reset_index() # rank_metric.set_index(keys=rank_metric.columns[0], inplace=True) # if rank_metric.columns.dtype != "O": rank_metric.columns = rank_metric.columns.astype(str) elif isinstance(exprs, pd.Series): # change to DataFrame self._logger.debug("Input data is a Series with gene names") if not isinstance(, str): if is None: # rename col if name attr is none = "sample1" elif hasattr(, "dtype"): if != "O": = else: = str( rank_metric = exprs.reset_index() elif os.path.isfile(exprs): rank_metric = self._read_file(exprs) else: raise Exception("Error parsing expression values!") # select numbers # rank_metric = rank_metric.select_dtypes(include=[np.number]) return rank_metric def _check_data(self, exprs: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ check NAs, duplicates. exprs: dataframe, the frist column must be gene identifiers return: dataframe, index is gene ids """ ## if gene names contain NA, drop them if exprs.iloc[:, 0].isnull().any(): exprs.dropna(subset=[exprs.columns[0]]) ## then fill na for numeric columns if exprs.isnull().any().sum() > 0: self._logger.warning("Input data contains NA, filled NA with 0") exprs.dropna(how="all", inplace=True) # drop rows with all NAs exprs = exprs.fillna(0) ## check duplicated IDs # set gene name as index exprs.set_index(keys=exprs.columns[0], inplace=True) # select numberic columns df = exprs.select_dtypes(include=[np.number]) # microarray data may contained multiple probs of same gene, average them if df.index.duplicated().sum() > 0: self._logger.warning( "Found duplicated gene names, values averaged by gene names!" ) df = df.groupby(level=0).mean() # check whether contains infinity values if np.isinf(df).values.sum() > 0: self._logger.warning("Input gene rankings contains inf values!") col_min_max = { np.inf: df[np.isfinite(df)].max(), # column-wise max -np.inf: df[np.isfinite(df)].min(), # column-wise min } df = df.replace({col: col_min_max for col in df.columns}) return df
[docs] def make_unique(self, rank_metric: pd.DataFrame, col_idx: int) -> pd.DataFrame: """ make gene id column unique by adding a digit, similar to R's make.unique """ id_col = rank_metric.columns[col_idx] if rank_metric.duplicated(subset=id_col).sum() > 0:"Input gene rankings contains duplicated IDs") mask = rank_metric.duplicated(subset=id_col, keep=False) dups = ( rank_metric.loc[mask, id_col] .to_frame() .groupby(id_col) .cumcount() .map(lambda c: "_" + str(c) if c else "") ) rank_metric.loc[mask, id_col] = rank_metric.loc[mask, id_col] + dups return rank_metric
[docs] def load_gmt_only( self, gmt: Union[List[str], str, Dict[str, str]] ) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: """parse gene_sets. gmt: List, Dict, Strings However,this function will merge different gene sets into one big dict to save computation time for later. """ genesets_dict = dict() if isinstance(gmt, dict): genesets_dict = gmt.copy() elif isinstance(gmt, str): gmts = gmt.split(",") if len(gmts) > 1: for gm in gmts: tdt = self.parse_gmt(gm) for k, v in tdt.items(): new_k = os.path.split(gm)[-1] + "__" + k genesets_dict[new_k] = v else: genesets_dict = self.parse_gmt(gmt) elif isinstance(gmt, list): for i, gm in enumerate(gmt): prefix = str(i) if isinstance(gm, dict): tdt = gm.copy() elif isinstance(gm, str): tdt = self.parse_gmt(gm) prefix = os.path.split(gm)[-1] else: continue for k, v in tdt.items(): new_k = prefix + "__" + k genesets_dict[new_k] = v else: raise Exception("Error parsing gmt parameter for gene sets") if len(genesets_dict) == 0: raise Exception("Error parsing gmt parameter for gene sets") return genesets_dict
[docs] def load_gmt( self, gene_list: Iterable[str], gmt: Union[List[str], str, Dict[str, str]] ) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: """load gene set dict""" genesets_dict = self.load_gmt_only(gmt) subsets = list(genesets_dict.keys()) entry1st = genesets_dict[subsets[0]] gene_dict = {g: i for i, g in enumerate(gene_list)} for subset in subsets: subset_list = set(genesets_dict.get(subset)) # remove duplicates # drop genes not found in the gene_dict gene_overlap = [g for g in subset_list if g in gene_dict] genesets_dict[subset] = gene_overlap tag_len = len(gene_overlap) if (self.min_size <= tag_len <= self.max_size) and tag_len < len(gene_list): # tag_len should < gene_list continue del genesets_dict[subset] filsets_num = len(subsets) - len(genesets_dict) "%04d gene_sets have been filtered out when max_size=%s and min_size=%s" % (filsets_num, self.max_size, self.min_size) ) if filsets_num == len(subsets): msg = ( "No gene sets passed through filtering condition !!! \n" + "Hint 1: Try to lower min_size or increase max_size !\n" + "Hint 2: Check gene symbols are identifiable to your gmt input.\n" + "Hint 3: Gene symbols curated in Enrichr web services are all upcases.\n" ) self._logger.error(msg) dict_head = "{ %s: [%s]}" % (subsets[0], ", ".join(entry1st)) self._logger.error( "The first entry of your gene_sets (gmt) look like this : %s" % dict_head ) self._logger.error( "The first 5 genes look like this : [ %s ]" % (", ".join(list(gene_list)[:5])) ) raise LookupError(msg) # self._gmtdct = genesets_dict return genesets_dict
[docs] def parse_gmt(self, gmt: str) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: """gmt parser when input is a string""" if gmt.lower().endswith(".gmt"): genesets_dict = {} with open(gmt) as genesets: for line in genesets: entries = line.strip().split("\t") key = entries[0] genes = [g.split(",")[0] for g in entries[2:]] genesets_dict[key] = genes return genesets_dict tmpname = "Enrichr." + gmt + ".gmt" tempath = os.path.join(DEFAULT_CACHE_PATH, tmpname) # if file already download if os.path.isfile(tempath): "Enrichr library gene sets already downloaded in: %s, use local file" % DEFAULT_CACHE_PATH ) return self.parse_gmt(tempath) elif gmt in self.get_libraries(): return self._download_libraries(gmt) else: self._logger.error("No supported gene_sets: %s" % gmt) return dict()
[docs] def get_libraries(self) -> List[str]: """return active enrichr library name.Offical API""" lib_url = self.ENRICHR_URL + "/Enrichr/datasetStatistics" # "LIBRARY_LIST_URL": "", s = retry(num=5) response = s.get(lib_url, verify=True) if not response.ok: raise Exception("Error getting the Enrichr libraries") libs_json = json.loads(response.text) libs = [lib["libraryName"] for lib in libs_json["statistics"]] return sorted(libs)
def _download_libraries(self, libname: str) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: """Download enrichr libraries. Only Support Enrichr libraries now""""Downloading and generating Enrichr library gene sets......") s = retry(5) # queery string ENRICHR_URL = self.ENRICHR_URL + "/Enrichr/geneSetLibrary" query_string = "?mode=text&libraryName=%s" # get response = s.get( ENRICHR_URL + query_string % libname, timeout=None, stream=True ) if not response.ok: raise Exception( "Error fetching gene set library, input name is correct for the organism you've set?." ) # reformat to dict and save to disk mkdirs(DEFAULT_CACHE_PATH) genesets_dict = {} outname = "Enrichr.%s.gmt" % libname # pattern: database.library.gmt gmtout = open(os.path.join(DEFAULT_CACHE_PATH, outname), "w") for line in response.iter_lines(chunk_size=1024, decode_unicode="utf-8"): line = line.strip().split("\t") k = line[0] v = map(lambda x: x.split(",")[0], line[2:]) v = list(filter(lambda x: True if len(x) else False, v)) genesets_dict[k] = v outline = "%s\t%s\t%s\n" % (k, line[1], "\t".join(v)) gmtout.write(outline) gmtout.close() return genesets_dict def _heatmat(self, df: pd.DataFrame, classes: List[str]): """only use for gsea heatmap""" cls_booA = list(map(lambda x: True if x == self.pheno_pos else False, classes)) cls_booB = list(map(lambda x: True if x == self.pheno_neg else False, classes)) datA = df.loc[:, cls_booA] datB = df.loc[:, cls_booB] datAB = pd.concat([datA, datB], axis=1) self.heatmat = datAB return def _plotting(self, metric: Dict[str, Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]]): """Plotting API. :param metric: sorted pd.Series with rankings values. """ # no values need to be returned if self._outdir is None: return # indices = self.res2d["NES"].abs().sort_values(ascending=False).index indices = self.res2d.index # Plotting for i, idx in enumerate(indices): record = self.res2d.iloc[idx] if self.module != "ssgsea" and record["FDR q-val"] > 0.25: continue if i >= self.graph_num: # already sorted by abs(NES) in descending order break # if self.res2d["Name"].nunique() > 1 and hasattr( # self, "_metric_dict" # ): # self.module != "ssgsea": # key = record["Name"] # rank_metric = metric[key] # hit = self._results[key][record["Term"]]["hits"] # RES = self._results[key][record["Term"]]["RES"] # else: # rank_metric = metric[self.module] # hit = self._results[record["Term"]]["hits"] # RES = self._results[record["Term"]]["RES"] key = record["Name"] rank_metric = metric[key] hit = self._results[key][record["Term"]]["hits"] RES = self._results[key][record["Term"]]["RES"] outdir = os.path.join(self.outdir, record["Name"]) mkdirs(outdir) term = record["Term"].replace("/", "-").replace(":", "_") outfile = os.path.join(outdir, "{0}.{1}".format(term, self.format)) if self.module == "gsea": outfile2 = "{0}/{1}.heatmap.{2}".format(outdir, term, self.format) heatmat = self.heatmat.iloc[hit, :] width = np.clip(heatmat.shape[1], 4, 20) height = np.clip(heatmat.shape[0], 4, 20) heatmap( df=heatmat, title=record["Term"].split("__")[-1], ofname=outfile2, z_score=0, figsize=(width, height), xticklabels=True, yticklabels=True, ) if self.permutation_num > 0: # skip plotting when nperm=0 gseaplot( term=record["Term"].split("__")[-1], hits=hit, nes=record["NES"], pval=record["NOM p-val"], fdr=record["FDR q-val"], RES=RES, rank_metric=rank_metric, pheno_pos=self.pheno_pos, pheno_neg=self.pheno_neg, figsize=self.figsize, ofname=outfile, ) def _to_df( self, gsea_summary: List[Dict], gmt: Dict[str, List[str]], metric: Dict[str, pd.Series], ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Convernt GSEASummary to DataFrame rank_metric: Must be sorted in descending order already """ res_df = pd.DataFrame( index=range(len(gsea_summary)), columns=[ "name", "term", "es", "nes", "pval", "fdr", "fwerp", "tag %", "gene %", "lead_genes", "matched_genes", "hits", "RES", ], ) # res = OrderedDict() for i, gs in enumerate(gsea_summary): # reformat gene list. name = ( self._metric_dict[str(gs.index)] if (gs.index is not None) else self.module ) _genes = metric[name].index.values[gs.hits] genes = ";".join([str(g).strip() for g in _genes]) RES = np.array(gs.run_es) lead_genes = "" tag_frac = "" gene_frac = "" if len(RES) > 1: # extract leading edge genes if float( >= 0: # RES -> ndarray, ind -> list es_i = RES.argmax() ldg_pos = list(filter(lambda x: x <= es_i, gs.hits)) gene_frac = (es_i + 1) / len(metric[name]) else: es_i = RES.argmin() ldg_pos = list(filter(lambda x: x >= es_i, gs.hits)) ldg_pos.reverse() gene_frac = (len(metric[name]) - es_i) / len(metric[name]) # tag_frac = len(ldg_pos) / len(gmt[gs.term]) gene_frac = "{0:.2%}".format(gene_frac) lead_genes = ";".join(list(map(str, metric[name].iloc[ldg_pos].index))) tag_frac = "%s/%s" % (len(ldg_pos), len(gmt[gs.term])) e = pd.Series( [ name, gs.term,, gs.nes, gs.pval, gs.fdr, gs.fwerp, tag_frac, gene_frac, lead_genes, genes, gs.hits, gs.run_es, ], index=res_df.columns, ) res_df.iloc[i, :] = e return res_df
[docs] def to_df( self, gsea_summary: List[Dict], gmt: Dict[str, List[str]], rank_metric: Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame], indices: Optional[List] = None, ): """Convernt GSEASummary to DataFrame rank_metric: if a Series, then it must be sorted in descending order already if a DataFrame, indices must not None. indices: Only works for DataFrame input. Stores the indices of sorted array """ if isinstance(rank_metric, pd.DataFrame) and (indices is not None): self._metric_dict = {str(c): n for c, n in enumerate(rank_metric.columns)} metric = { n: rank_metric.iloc[indices[i], i] # .sort_values(ascending=False) for i, n in enumerate(rank_metric.columns) # indices is a 2d list } else: metric = {self.module: rank_metric} self._metric_dict = {self.module: self.module} res_df = self._to_df(gsea_summary, gmt, metric) self._results = {} # save dict # if res_df["name"].nunique() >= 2: # for name, dd in res_df.groupby(["name"]): # self._results[name] = dd.set_index("term").to_dict(orient="index") # else: # self._results = res_df.set_index("term").to_dict(orient="index") for name, dd in res_df.groupby("name"): self._results[name] = dd.set_index("term").to_dict(orient="index") # trim res_df.rename( columns={ "name": "Name", "term": "Term", "es": "ES", "nes": "NES", "pval": "NOM p-val", "fdr": "FDR q-val", "fwerp": "FWER p-val", "tag %": "Tag %", "gene %": "Gene %", "lead_genes": "Lead_genes", }, inplace=True, ) # res_df["Gene %"] = res_df["Gene %"].map(lambda x: "{0:.2%}".format(x) if x !="" else "") # trim dc = ["RES", "hits", "matched_genes"] if self.permutation_num == 0: dc += [ "NOM p-val", "FWER p-val", "FDR q-val", "Tag %", "Gene %", "Lead_genes", ] if self.module == "gsva": dc += ["NES"] # re-order by NES # for pandas > 1.1, use df.sort_values(by='B', key=abs) will sort by abs value self.res2d = res_df.reindex( res_df["NES"].abs().sort_values(ascending=False).index ).reset_index(drop=True) self.res2d.drop(dc, axis=1, inplace=True) if self._outdir is not None: out = os.path.join( self.outdir, "gseapy.{b}.{c}.report.csv".format( b=self.permutation_type, c=self.module ), ) self.res2d.to_csv(out, index=False, float_format="%.6e") with open(os.path.join(self.outdir, "gene_sets.gmt"), "w") as gout: for term, genes in gmt.items(): collection = "" if term.find("__") > -1: collections = term.split("__") collection = collections[0] term = collections[1] gg = "\t".join(genes) gout.write(f"{term}\t{collection}\t{gg}\n") # generate gseaplots if not self._noplot: self._plotting(metric) return
@property def results(self): """ compatible to old style """ keys = list(self._results.keys()) if len(keys) == 1: return self._results[keys[0]] return self._results
[docs] def enrichment_score( self, gene_list: Iterable[str], correl_vector: Iterable[float], gene_set: Dict[str, List[str]], weight: float = 1.0, nperm: int = 1000, seed: int = 123, single: bool = False, scale: bool = False, ): """This is the most important function of GSEApy. It has the same algorithm with GSEA and ssGSEA. :param gene_list: The ordered gene list gene_name_list, rank_metric.index.values :param gene_set: gene_sets in gmt file, please use gmt_parser to get gene_set. :param weight: It's the same with gsea's weighted_score method. Weighting by the correlation is a very reasonable choice that allows significant gene sets with less than perfect coherence. options: 0(classic),1,1.5,2. default:1. if one is interested in penalizing sets for lack of coherence or to discover sets with any type of nonrandom distribution of tags, a value p < 1 might be appropriate. On the other hand, if one uses sets with large number of genes and only a small subset of those is expected to be coherent, then one could consider using p > 1. Our recommendation is to use p = 1 and use other settings only if you are very experienced with the method and its behavior. :param correl_vector: A vector with the correlations (e.g. signal to noise scores) corresponding to the genes in the gene list. Or rankings, rank_metric.values :param nperm: Only use this parameter when computing esnull for statistical testing. Set the esnull value equal to the permutation number. :param seed: Random state for initializing gene list shuffling. Default: seed=None :return: ES: Enrichment score (real number between -1 and +1) ESNULL: Enrichment score calculated from random permutations. Hits_Indices: Index of a gene in gene_list, if gene is included in gene_set. RES: Numerical vector containing the running enrichment score for all locations in the gene list . """ N = len(gene_list) # Test whether each element of a 1-D array is also present in a second array # It's more intuitive here than original enrichment_score source code. # use .astype to covert bool to integer tag_indicator = np.in1d(gene_list, gene_set, assume_unique=True).astype( int ) # notice that the sign is 0 (no tag) or 1 (tag) if weight == 0: correl_vector = np.repeat(1, N) else: correl_vector = np.abs(correl_vector) ** weight # get indices of tag_indicator hit_ind = np.flatnonzero(tag_indicator).tolist() # if used for compute esnull, set esnull equal to permutation number, e.g. 1000 # else just compute enrichment scores # set axis to 1, because we have 2D array axis = 1 tag_indicator = np.tile(tag_indicator, (nperm + 1, 1)) correl_vector = np.tile(correl_vector, (nperm + 1, 1)) # gene list permutation rs = np.random.RandomState(seed) for i in range(nperm): rs.shuffle(tag_indicator[i]) # np.apply_along_axis(rs.shuffle, 1, tag_indicator) Nhint = tag_indicator.sum(axis=axis, keepdims=True) sum_correl_tag = np.sum(correl_vector * tag_indicator, axis=axis, keepdims=True) # compute ES score, the code below is identical to gsea enrichment_score method. no_tag_indicator = 1 - tag_indicator Nmiss = N - Nhint norm_tag = 1.0 / sum_correl_tag norm_no_tag = 1.0 / Nmiss RES = np.cumsum( tag_indicator * correl_vector * norm_tag - no_tag_indicator * norm_no_tag, axis=axis, ) if scale: RES = RES / N if single: es_vec = RES.sum(axis=axis) else: max_ES, min_ES = RES.max(axis=axis), RES.min(axis=axis) es_vec = np.where(np.abs(max_ES) > np.abs(min_ES), max_ES, min_ES) # extract values es, esnull, RES = es_vec[-1], es_vec[:-1], RES[-1, :] return es, esnull, hit_ind, RES
[docs] def plot( self, terms: Union[str, List[str]], colors: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, legend_kws: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, figsize: Tuple[float, float] = (4, 5), show_ranking: bool = True, ofname: Optional[str] = None, ): """ terms: str, list. terms/pathways to show colors: str, list. list of colors for each term/pathway legend_kws: kwargs to pass to ax.legend. e.g. `loc`, `bbox_to_achor`. ofname: savefig """ # if hasattr(self, "results"): if self.module in ["ssgsea", "gsva"]: raise NotImplementedError("not for ssgsea") keys = list(self._results.keys()) if len(keys) > 1: raise NotImplementedError("Multiple Dataset input No supported yet!") ranking = self.ranking if show_ranking else None if isinstance(terms, str): gsdict = self.results[terms] g = GSEAPlot( term=terms, tag=gsdict["hits"], rank_metric=ranking, runes=gsdict["RES"], nes=gsdict["nes"], pval=gsdict["pval"], fdr=gsdict["fdr"], ofname=ofname, pheno_pos=self.pheno_pos, pheno_neg=self.pheno_neg, color=colors, figsize=figsize, ) g.add_axes() g.savefig() return g.fig elif hasattr(terms, "__len__"): # means iterable terms = list(terms) tags = [self.results[t]["hits"] for t in terms] runes = [self.results[t]["RES"] for t in terms] t = TracePlot( terms=terms, tags=tags, runes=runes, rank_metric=ranking, colors=colors, legend_kws=legend_kws, ofname=ofname, ) t.add_axes() t.savefig(ofname) return t.fig else: print("not supported input: terms")